Overall Process

To submit the abstract, you need to log in to the submission system using the account information you have generated for the conference registration and follow the instructions step by step.
Pre-registration (including payment) is required to submit an abstract.
You can update the submitted abstract until the final due date of abstract submission.
In case you forgot your account information or have an inquiry about submission status, please contact ksbi.office@gmail.com

Abstract Submission Due

Sep.27, 2024

Abstract Preparation

Check the abstract template and prepare your abstract as instructed.

Abstract Preparation

Multiple abstracts can be submitted under single account, as long as each abstract is presented by the same Presenting Author.
Abstracts can be updated at any time until the submission due.
Abstracts must be less than 2,000 English characters (space not included)
Upload the abstract as a PDF file.
Category must be chosen from the category list provided.

Submission Process

The Presenting Author will be the point of contact for the abstract and must be the one to submit the abstract. Log into the online abstract submission portal system with your account information (email and password) created upon registration.

Presentation Type

All abstracts submitted should be presented as a poster.
Poster Size: W 90cm * H 120cm
The detailed format of a poster and important information for the poster presentation will be notified to the authors who are supposed to present posters by email.
* At least one author of each submitted abstract must attend the conference for poster presentation

BIOINFO2024 Secretariat
TEL: 02-2135-2578
프로그램, 논문담당: 학술위원장
회계, 결제담당: 재무위원장
총괄, 사무국장: 총무위원장, 조연주 사무국장
학회 이름: 사단법인 한국생명정보학회
학회 주소: (07299) 서울시 영등포구 경인로 775 에이스하이테크비즈니스센터, 2동 1201호
대표자: 이인석