To attend BIOINFO 2024, registration is required with the following rates.

Please note that the discounted registration fee is applied to the eligible KSBi members (who paid the 2024 annual membership fee). Thus, it is encouraged to become a member of KSBi (please click the link below) or to pay a membership fee (if you are already a member) before the registration for the BIOINFO 2024.
Apply for the membership of the Korean Society for Bioinformatics (KSBi), or pay annual membership fee for members.

Registration Fee

Member Rates

Type Annual Mambership Fee Early Registration
(~ Oct. 04)
On Site Registration
(Oct. 23 ~ Oct. 25)
Member Student ₩40,000 ₩90,000 ₩130,000
Ac/Gov/Non-Profit ₩80,000 ₩150,000 ₩200,000
Industry ₩50,000 ₩200,000 ₩250,000

Non-Member Rates

Type Annual Mambership Fee Early Registration
(~ Oct. 4)
On Site Registration
(Oct. 23 ~ Oct. 25)
Non-member Student - ₩150,000 ₩180,000
Ac/Gov/Non-Profit ₩250,000 ₩300,000
Industry ₩270,000 ₩320,000

Education Workshop Rates

* Only those who have registered for BIOINFO 2024 are eligible to participate in the Education Workshop.
* Registration for the education workshops are available only during the early registration period.
* You can register for only one of the three education workshops.
* Considering the capacity of education practices during workshops, we kindly ask for your understanding that each workshop will be limited to the first 100 registered participants. For the Education Workshop 1 (AI/LLM), the limit is 50.

Type Early Registration
(~ Oct. 04)
Student ₩30,000
Ac/Gov/Non-Profit ₩50,000
Industry ₩70,000
BIOINFO2024 Secretariat
TEL: 02-2135-2578
프로그램, 논문담당: 학술위원장
회계, 결제담당: 재무위원장
총괄, 사무국장: 총무위원장, 조연주 사무국장
학회 이름: 사단법인 한국생명정보학회
학회 주소: (07299) 서울시 영등포구 경인로 775 에이스하이테크비즈니스센터, 2동 1201호
대표자: 이인석