10/22 (TUE)

Take 35 minutes Departure from Gyeongju Station (KTX)
1 Trip 11:15 AM
2 Trip 11:55 AM
3 Trip 12:25 PM

10/23 (WED)

Take 35 minutes Departure from Gyeongju Station (KTX)
1 Trip 10:25 AM
2 Trip 11:15 AM
3 Trip 11:30 AM
4 Trip 11:55 AM
5 Trip 12:15 PM
6 Trip 12:25 PM

10/24 (THU)

Take 35 minutes Departure from Gyeongju Station (KTX)
1 Trip 07:55 AM

10/25 (FRI)

Take 35 minutes Departure from HICO
1 Trip 16:00 PM
2 Trip 16:35 PM
* Please note: The shuttle bus schedule provided is tentative and subject to change. Additionally, the shuttle bus service is available free of charge.

Shuttle Stop Locations

- Gyeongju Station(KTX)
Exit from Gate 1 on the 1st Floor of Gyeongju Station. Follow the signage for 'City Tour & Shuttle.' Walk straight ahead for 20m to the City Tour & Shuttle Bus parking area to board.

In front of Gate 5 on the 1st Floor of HICO.
BIOINFO2024 Secretariat
TEL: 02-2135-2578
프로그램, 논문담당: 학술위원장
회계, 결제담당: 재무위원장
총괄, 사무국장: 총무위원장, 조연주 사무국장
학회 이름: 사단법인 한국생명정보학회
학회 주소: (07299) 서울시 영등포구 경인로 775 에이스하이테크비즈니스센터, 2동 1201호
대표자: 이인석