Plenary Lecture 1

October 23th (Wed), 17:10-18:00, Rm. 300B

Design Principles in Inflammation and fibrosis

Dr. Uri Alon

Department of Molecular Cell Biology
The Weizmann Institute of Science

Prof. Uri Alon earned his BSc in physics and mathematics, and his MSc in physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was awarded his PhD in physics from the Weizmann Institute of Science and was a postdoctoral fellow in experimental biology in the Departments of Physics and Molecular Biology at Princeton University.

Prof. Alon works at the interface between physics and biology and is one of the founders of the field of systems biology. His recent research focuses on human physiology, aging and systems medicine.

Prof. Alon received the 2014 Nakasone prize, the Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics in 2017, the Michael Bruno Memorial Award in 2009, and many more.

* Due to the current situation in Israel, we kindly ask for your understanding as Dr. Alon cannot attend the event in person and the lecture will be conducted as a live online session.

Plenary Lecture 2

October 24th (Thu), 13:20-14:10, Rm. 300B

Protein bioinformatics is finally coming into the spotlight and receiving the recognition it deserves

Dr. Dongsup Kim

Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST

Prof. Dongsup Kim is a professor at the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). He completed his B.S. and M.S. in Chemistry at Seoul National University and earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Brown University in the United States. Following his doctorate, Dr. Kim undertook postdoctoral research at the University of Pennsylvania and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Since 2003, Dr. Kim has been a faculty member at KAIST, where his research focuses on protein bioinformatics, computational drug discovery, and computational protein design.

His notable contributions include developing predictive models for protein structures and functions, drug target identification, and innovative approaches in protein and antibody design. Prof. Kim's recent publications highlight his expertise in developing deep learning models for small molecule drug design and antibody design. He received a number of awards including OnBIT award in 2008 and KAIST Educator award in 2024. He served as the President of the Korea Society for Bioinformatics from 2021 to 2023, during which time he led various initiatives and significantly contributed to the advancement of the society.

BIOINFO2024 Secretariat
TEL: 02-2135-2578
프로그램, 논문담당: 학술위원장
회계, 결제담당: 재무위원장
총괄, 사무국장: 총무위원장, 조연주 사무국장
학회 이름: 사단법인 한국생명정보학회
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